
The story of The Muslim Lounge began with a small group of friends who attended the 2021 MAS ICNA convention. Though we had just met each other, we felt a strong connection and wanted to maintain the bonds we formed during the convention. We realized that the opportunity to meet new Muslims and foster these connections shouldn't be limited to annual events; there needed to be a more accessible, continuous solution.

Initially, we started with a WhatsApp group and began inviting our close friends. However, it quickly became apparent that WhatsApp's limitations would be an issue as our group grew. With too many people for a single chat, we needed a better platform to support our community.

After exploring various options, we found that Discord perfectly met our needs. While some users were less familiar with its layout, its features were invaluable. Discord allowed us to create text channels, threads, announcements, voice calls, video calls, and offered administrative tools to manage larger groups efficiently.

We transitioned from WhatsApp to Discord, and the group grew rapidly from 50 to 150 members within just two months.

We still maintain the WhatsApp group chat for users who prefer that platform. However, it is now restricted to read-only access and is primarily used to announce upcoming activities or events.

Over time, our community expanded to include members from various states such as Texas, California, Illinois, Ohio, and Michigan, as well as international members from Canada and Sweden.

Our journey from a small WhatsApp group to a thriving Discord community reflects our commitment to creating an inclusive and supportive environment for Muslims worldwide. Join us and be part of our growing family.


Our goal at The Muslim Lounge is to connect Muslims nationwide and leverage these connections to provide our community with resources that will help them succeed both in this world (Dunya) and the hereafter (Akhira).

Our user base is diverse, consisting of doctors, lawyers, realtors, engineers, programmers, consultants, accountants, teachers, and students—all united by a common purpose: Islam.

By bringing together Muslims from various professional and educational backgrounds, we aim to create a network where members can support each other, share knowledge, and grow together. Whether it's through professional advice, spiritual guidance, or simply finding a friend who shares your faith, The Muslim Lounge is here to enrich your life in every way.

Join us and become part of a community that strives for success, both in this life and the next.

Safety and Privacy

The safety, privacy, and security of all members are our top priorities. To maintain a trusted environment, our group is currently restricted to "friends of friends." This approach ensures a level of trust and familiarity that isn't present with complete strangers.

New User Process